Where Is the Science?
Lactoactive® is a refined processing of colostrum combined with hyaluronic acid. During the process, the ingredients achieve a much better effect than previously seen.
In fact, the yield of protein content is as high as 82% compared to the normal 50-60%. Proteins in Vilact® survive longer without being degraded by enzymes, enabling them to work longer in the skin.
The active substances are more resistant to degradation and are therefore able to work effectively. Through the unique process, the ingredients achieve a much better effect than previously seen. In fact, the protein content is extremely high. Lactoactive® penetrates the skin, providing long lasting moisture.
The natural wonder
Vilact® is based on bovine colostrum, the first milk produced by a cow after calving.
The numerous growth and immune system enhancing properties of colostrum are well known, and every mother understands how important it is for the newborn child to consume.
Scientists and nutritionists around the world are aware of the beneficial properties of bovine colostrum, which has the same characteristics as human colostrum. The only major difference is that cows produce ten times more colostrum than needed by their calves.
When the calf is born, its intestines are not fully developed and the bovine colostrum help to complete the formation of this. Calf intestinal cells are identical to human skin cells, and this is precisely why the active substances are not rejected but are absorbed all the way through the skin layers.