Corporate Name: Vilacto Bio Inc.

Exchange/Symbol: VIBI
Shares Issued and Outstanding: 90,000,000 (as of Apr 04, 2017)
Shares Authorized: 1,250,000,000
CIK #: 0001576724
Fiscal Year End: March 31
Year of Incorporation: 2013
Incorporated: Nevada, USA
Transfer Agent: Empire Stock Transfer Inc.
1859 Whitney Mesa Dr.
Henderson, NV 89014
United States
Corporate Attorneys: The Doney Law Firm
4955 S. Durango Drive
Suite 165
Las Vegas, NV, 89113
United States
Auditors: AMC Auditing, LLC
1448 Auburn Valley Ave.
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
United States

Investor FAQs

What is the company's ticker symbol?
Are Vilacto Bio shares publicly traded? If so, where are they available?
Yes and can be traded on the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets under the symbol: VIBI
How do I purchase Vilacto Bio shares?
You will need to contact a brokerage firm to purchase shares.
When are the company's quarterly financials released?
Quarterly financials are filed 45 days after each quarter and the first quarter end is March 31st.
How do I obtain copies of your annual reports, quarterly reports and SEC filings?
Vilacto Bio routinely files financial reports and discloses financial information as per legal requirements stipulated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The Company’s filings may be viewed on this web site’s ‘SEC Filings’ section or at the SEC web site at
Can I be notified by email of events, news releases and other updates to the Vilacto Bio web site?
Yes. Please go to the stock info. section of our site under the Investors link, to provide your email address and designate which types of information you would like to be alerted to including: press releases, presentations, financial reports, SEC Filings and/or audio or video webcasts.